The Great Race: Understanding Floyd’s Algorithm

Fiifi Dawson
4 min readMay 10, 2023


Tortoise and Hare at the starting line of a race (Generated with DALL-E)

If you’ve ever been in a race, you’ve probably heard the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. You know the one — the arrogant Hare takes a nap, confident in his speed, while the steady tortoise plods on to take the win. It’s an age-old tale that teaches us consistency trumps speed. But did you know this fable has a counterpart in the realm of algorithms? It’s called Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare Algorithm, and it’s a fascinating illustration of how sometimes, slow and steady does win the race. And no, before you ask, the algorithm doesn’t nap halfway through its job (jokingly chuckles).

The Race Begins: Initialization

Initialization of the Tortoise and Hare pointers

Like in our fabled race, we start with two contenders: the Tortoise and the Hare. In the context of the algorithm, these are two pointers that start at the beginning of a sequence or data structure, such as a linked list.

Think of it like two friends — let’s call them Abena (our Tortoise) and Kofi (our Hare) — starting to read the same book. They both open to the first page, ready to dive in. That’s our initialization stage.

Different Paces: Movement

The Tortoise moving one step, and the Hare moving two steps

Next, we have the movement. Our Tortoise pointer moves one step at a time, while our Hare pointer moves two steps at a time. Abena reads one page per day in our book scenario, while Kofi reads two. Kofi reads the book quicker, like our confident Hare in the race.

Detecting a Twist in the Tale: Cycle Detection

Now, here’s where it gets exciting. Suppose there’s a loop or cycle in our sequence. In that case, our Hare (remember, he’s moving faster) will eventually meet our Tortoise again. In the context of our book readers, it’s as if they found out that the book they’re reading has a few pages repeated in a cycle.

Abena, reading one page per day, would continue through the cycle without realizing it. Kofi, however, because he reads twice as fast, would eventually catch up to Abena, despite starting at the same point. The moment Kofi realizes he’s reading the same page as Abena, they’ve found a cycle!

And if there’s no cycle? Kofi would reach the end of the book while Abena is still somewhere in the middle, and no meeting would occur.

This ability to detect cycles is instrumental in computer science, especially when dealing with data structures like linked lists.

Why This Wins the Race in Algorithm World

the Tortoise and Hare pointers meeting again in a cycle

The beauty of Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare algorithm is not just its simplicity but its efficiency. It’s like having a built-in radar for cycles without needing a huge radar system. Unlike other algorithms that might need to mark every place they’ve been (imagine Kofi having to remember every page he’s read), Floyd’s algorithm does it with just two-pointers. It’s like Abena calling Kofi daily to check which page he’s on.

Reading Round-Robin with Abena, Kofi, and Floyd’s Whirligig

Let’s imagine Abena and Kofi are reading an anthology of short stories, where each story references the next one to be read. Floyd’s Cycle Detection algorithm, affectionately known as the ‘Tortoise and Hare’, serves as their guide. If there’s an infinite loop, indicating they might end up reading the same stories over and over, the algorithm detects it.

Despite going through all the stories (O(n) time complexity), the algorithm keeps track of just two positions — akin to Abena (the Tortoise) and Kofi (the Hare) — ensuring constant space usage (O(1)). This way, our readers can enjoy their anthology without any never-ending loops!

Wrapping Up the Race

So, there you have it. Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare Algorithm.



Fiifi Dawson

Comp Eng student specializing in AI & robotics. Led tech initiatives with a keen interest in art & music. Embracing the tech-art crossover. #AI #TechArt